Google is ready to fight against spam links by releasing its new spam algorithm on 26th July 2021. This update will work effectively at spotting and nullifying link spam.

However, the effectiveness of this link spam update on search results might see in the next two weeks, as per Google’s search quality analyst- Duy Nguyen. He also adds, the update will focus predominantly on search results in multiple languages.

What More On Rolling Out Link Spam Update Announcement?

The link spam update has come into play to improve the quality of the search results. If site owners violate any guidelines or use spammy links on their site, they might have to struggle in rankings on SERP.

This algorithm is being designed to spot the sites that are involved in link spam activities. Therefore, it is an indication from Google to site owners to pay more attention to handling links within the content.

What Exactly Site Owners Have To Take Care Regarding Link Spam Update?

As per Google’s words, website owners must ensure they implement the best outgoing and incoming links. They must qualify whatever links they are linking to their sites.

Besides, Google suggests to all site owners never try manipulating users through links; rather, it’s better to produce high-quality content and satisfy searchers’ needs.

Following such practice will help them in improving the user experience and hence boost engagement. In order to promote awareness of the site, they can rely on tagging links. Specifically, when there is a value exchange between the two domains, add tags to links.

Here are some more Google’s recommendations on how to use each type of link:

  • Links from sponsored posts: If you are using paid links or links, advertisements must be marked up with the rel=“sponsored” value.

Sponsored Post

  • Affiliate links: If your site participates in affiliate programs, the links must qualify with rel=“sponsored” whether it is created dynamically or manually. Using affiliate links on a page to monetize is OK for Google, but sites must not fail to qualify affiliate links anyway.

Affiliate Links

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  • Links from guest posts: Whatever links you are getting from guest posts, make sure to mark it up with the rel=“nofollow” value.

Further, whenever Google detects a highly engaged site in either receiving links with excessive guest posting and sponsors or publishing links without proper link tags, strict action may be taken with your site.

Therefore, follow the above guideline to ensure Google does not penalize your site or take any stiff actions.

Wrapping Up!

From many different options available to monetize websites or blogs, one is the creation of outbound links. But besides using it appropriately, some site owners either overdone this technique or violate the guidelines.

So, to ensure site owners don’t follow such practices and maintain the quality of a page, Google has stepped forward to deal with such things. They have launched the Link Spam Algorithm Update On 26th July 2021. The purpose of launching this update is to reduce the impact of spammy links on search results.

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