Twitter has been constantly surprising its users with its novel features. Earlier this month it announced the testing of “buy” button to let the users directly buy products from the tweets. Twitter’s recent update to its self-service advertising dashboard gives advertisers more tools to manage targeted campaigns. Social media marketers have new toys to play with as Twitter adds useful audience-managing tools to its platform. With this new feature, you’ll be able to dictate who should read the tweets as well as analyze how well the campaign has performed.


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With this update, twitter now offers you the option to create your very own target list. Twitter has added wonderful inclusions such as audience list upload, audience manager and new supported ID types for creating audiences. This list can be specifically produced and uploaded based on email addresses, Twitter user-names or IDs and mobile phone numbers and mobile advertising IDs(for both Android and iOS devices).This will enable you to create audiences of users with your apps installed or who express specific intent in your apps. After adding your target audience you’ll be able see the details of all of your audiences in one place, change or delete them and get notifications on the status of those specific audiences. This is done using the new Audience Manager tool.
To find out how well has your posts performed or to setup tweet campaigns, the business marketers can make use of It appears a lot like Google’s Analytics and provides a lot of information pertaining to the post. For instance, you can now find out the number of times users saw each tweet, the accurate measure of traffic, measure of interaction and the percentage of the total engagement rate. This Analytics dashboard has a very easy and simple interface which allows you to see the nitty-gritties of your tweets, including the number of Favorites, Retweets and Replies each post has received.
Well this is surely enough to engage your marketing team with new marketing possibilities. However if you have already started planning you marketing campaigns with these new found add-ons, just hold your horses.
Twitter proudly flaunts its ‘look-alike-only’ targeting feature. This enables the advertisers to target audiences similar to your prevailing audience but exclude existing customers. This has come as an extremely delighting update which is tremendously important for business to increase their user base of followers. Yes, you can now build a strategy using twitter to reach to the users who are most like your best existing customers. Consider the case where you get to expand your reach to thousands of users similar to those who have already installed your app. This is certainly an enabler to drive more customer acquisition.
All in all, with these new-fangled and fresh features announced by Twitter, it will position itself as an even more powerful business tool and the newly introduced intelligence will add great value to the businesses that can immensely benefit from it.