JavaScript has gained a lot of popularity in the last few years and many technology companies are getting the benefits of it. There are a plethora of JavaScript languages and frameworks coming up each and every day and tech companies can’t use all of them. Because it is a very difficult decision to choose those frameworks who are worth using.

The JavaScript is being adopted by various companies at a rapid pace. So, the tech companies cannot afford to overlook the top 2 most used JavaScript framework of this century- VueJS and ReactJS.

In this post, we are going to compare both VueJS and ReactJS, to help you in selecting the best JavaScript framework on the basis of pros and cons of both frameworks, along with their respective market trends and usage statistics.

There are thousands of skilled developers for both the JavaScript frameworks who keep updating themselves according to various aspects of ReactJS and VueJS development. Before going any further, you need to make sure you have a clear understanding of what VueJS and ReactJS frameworks are.

Why is React.JS more popular nowadays?

ReactJS was built by developers at Facebook and makes it very easy to build new and interactive user interfaces.

  • Learning is Easy and its Code Can Be Used Anywhere

The official features of ReactJS are mentioned on its website which says that developers can build new mobile apps in JavaScript using ReactJS library.

ReactJS currently uses JavaScript, XML, or JSX i.e. an extension to the syntax in JavaScript. ReactJS it doesn’t use JSX in a full-fledged manner but it easily helps in the creation of new UI components and debugging.

  • It Does Not Work like MVC Framework

There are so many MVC based JavaScript frameworks which are doing a good job in terms performance and reliability. Why is ReactJS has become so popular? Why developers prefer using ReactJS instead of any other MVC based JavaScript framework.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library founded by Facebook which is used for building interactive and reusable UI components. Developers can easily create reusable user interfaces by breaking these into components instead of using HTML with the help of ReactJS.


Why VueJS is Popular Among Developers?  

VueJS is one of the most popular open source JavaScript web development framework which is capable of developing single page applications. VueJS also works as a web application development framework with the purpose to simplify the web application development. Application development in VueJS got huge attention from developers worldwide for developing new web applications.

There are a various number of reasons for the popularity of VueJS and one of the important is its ability to render again without any action. It also allows developing small, reusable, and robust components. Therefore, it is a composable framework which allows you to add components when required.

VueJS vs ReactJS: Who is the Winner?

Some of the similarities between these two frameworks are as follows:

  • Both these frameworks are created to work with root libraries
  • Both frameworks use component-based structure
  • ReactJS and VueJS are based on virtual DOM model

There are lots of differences between both the JavaScript frameworks. Each framework has its own pros and cons to consider. Here are all the pros and cons of both the frameworks.

Read More- React Native Vs Xamarin(Which is best?)

Pros of ReactJS Library

Here are the pros of using ReactJS library:

  • React.JS comes with a high level of flexibility and responsiveness
  • Migrating from one version to another version in ReactJS is very easy
  • ReactJS is a 100% open source library which gets daily updates and improvements because of the contributions made by the developers worldwide.
  • Virtual DOM in ReactJS allows arranging the documents in HTML, XML, and XHTML format in a tree where it is accepted by web browsers when parsing different types of elements in a web app
  • ReactJS syntax are easy to learn for developers who have the knowledge about coding in HTML. This one of the point which makes ReactJS ahead of VueJS.


Cons of ReactJS Library   

  • The lack of proper documentation is one of the biggest con of ReactJS
  • The learnability scale of ReactJS is on the higher side, meaning that developers take time to understand the environment of ReactJS

Pros of VueJS

  • VueJS is very helpful when it comes to developing reusable templates with no extra time needed
  • VueJS can be used for developing a single web page and complex web pages for the web applications
  • VueJS offers to switch between different frameworks because of its similarity between AngularJS and ReactJS in terms of design and architecture
  • VueJS has a lot of features similar to AngularJS, which allows optimization of blocks of HTML handled using different types of components
  • The documentation of VueJS makes it easier for developers to understand the framework

Read More- AngularJS vs ReactJS vs Vue.js

Cons of VueJS

  • There are integration issues of this framework when it comes to handling big projects, which becomes more important when there is no possible solution
  • A great amount of documentation of VueJS is written in Mandarin, which makes it difficult for developers to read it
  • VueJS has a small amount of market share compared to ReactJS or AngularJS, meaning that sharing knowledge is in the initial phase.


Final Note

Whether you choose to work on ReactJS or VueJS, both the frameworks have a little difference between them and the final decision is highly based on the requirements of your project. If you are looking to merge your existing application in JavaScript then VueJS is the best framework and if you want to create new mobile apps using JavaScript, then ReactJS is the best option to choose.

If you are looking to hire ReactJS or VueJS developers then PixelCrayons is the best choice. They provide various benefits to their clients like 100% money back guarantee, post-development services, Agile methodology and much more.