The digital era sees no refraining from any sector. There is always a dilemma in the minds of the users on which technology to adapt and which one to leave. Tension always builds up over the usage of the best OS for your laptop, desktop or any other device. Instances are, where users confine themselves to the usage of one OS at a time. But it is always suggested to be practical in usage and know all the different prospects as well.
Linux or Windows? Which one to go for? Which will lend a fast boot-up? Which one is bug-free? There are thousand questions that crop up and need to be answered so as to get the best deal.
Having used Linux for a major portion of my life, I have heard Windows being a better option. With due respect, I would like to point out various regions where Linux scores highly over Windows and how this can be a part of your life as well. Read on to get the basics correct.
- Getting Started
Have you ever faced a false positive on a system having a Vista OS. Well, face one and get the facts. Clueless, is what comes to the surface. No help was visible from the activation warning, blaming the machine for that matter. There was no impromptu link to guide properly. Finally, Google came to the rescue where I searched to find Vista’s OOBE and ring Microsoft for the pertaining bug. This is a serious issue which makes me think how does Microsoft sit idle on such petty issues? There are hardly any anti-piracy measures taken as well. On the other hand, Linux has no association with the concept of a pirate copy.
- Presentation matters
Make-it or break-it. Present it beautifully to score high amongst the users. Free software communities like KDE, having cross-platform applications, were not user-friendly until the 4th version, when it came to customisation utilization. The user was limited for options and all the sorting out was left to them. However, things have changed for the better with KDE 4 and have become more decorative in usage.
- User-Login is Automated
Documentation of ‘control user password2’ is much easier to find out in Linux as compared to the other OS. However, Gnome network manager had this nagging functionality to ask for the chainring password, even though the autologin is enabled. This bug was not looked into for two more releases before getting fixed.
- Providing Troubleshooting
When it comes to quantity, it is a tough one to go with. Windows, fails to recover any data while troubleshooting. Linux, whereas scores in this functionality as well. There are provisions to make a backup of the home directory and easily transport it to use with the help of another system. Where Windows is concerned, data is everywhere on your machine and until and unless you have a back-up done, you are devastated.
- Nothing Messy
Windows has no Package managing system. Installation happens with a single click. That’s fine, but where does a novice turn to? No information related to different packages is present. Furthermore, there are no dependency checks, no md5 checks as well. Linux, is above all this and has everything in order.
- Interoperable
Hats off to Linux for being compatible with various other OS. Microsoft has tried it’s best to avoid dual booting feature with the giant, but to no effect. Linux works its way easily. In fact, Windows has become a pain in the neck for dual booting concerns as NTLDR/BCD has no other choice and neither does Microsoft have an interoperable SMB.
- Command Line features
Windows has the feature, but is a lengthy and boring process and finally works without results. Linux CLI is highly powerful as compared to Windows CLI, which is underperformed. Linux helps you do a lot with the command line, whereas Windows is restrictive.
- Evolve to Stay-in
Linux comes up with new releases every six months practically and some of them include technological leaps. Linux is a user’s paradise as it takes in all the criticism and evolves. Microsoft on the other hand, releases versions which may or may not contain improvements. Thus, Microsoft is not an agile developer.
All said and done with, it is easier to criticise than be a part of it. When it comes to OS, Linux is my first choice. Not that I am bent towards it, but it being so user-friendly, I have no other choice. Indulge and explore- that’s the mantra.