
Apps have revolutionised the world. They have changed how we do things and how interact with each other. Our phones and tablets have million of apps available and any could be the thing you’ve always wanted. You can have something basic such as an alarm or calendar to more complex things such as interactive maps and communication apps. You can find an app for any interest or hobby you have, letting you to indulge in it or to learn and do more. There are apps that can help people with their jobs, making it much more convenient. Some apps are just for fun, such as games, soundboards, photo filters, etc. For all the apps there are, we will still need more, as new ideas and concepts are introduced and so making a quality app has become increasingly vital.

Creating an app can be a lot of work and require the right knowledge. You will need to research the necessary equipment, software and techniques required to build one as well as have extensive information and familiarity with the subject you are making an app about. There is also another concept you must consider; Android or iOS. Both platforms have differences, advantages and negatives, so you have to carefully consider what’s right for you.

If you make an app for Android, then you should know more people use this platform as opposed to the other, allowing for a potentially higher amount of users. Revenue wise, Android is based more on ads while iOS uses paid apps or subscriptions. The updates for the platforms can be a problem, as most iOS users will update to later versions, while less than 10% of Android users are on the most recent software, despite being released in 2014. This makes building an app for iOS, as you can just focus on the latest versions.

The open source nature of Android gives you more room to work with for your apps, as you can get deeper and change more things. This lets you create a broader range of apps and make them more effective. This has led to iOS being trusted more security, so professionals may lean more towards it, especially when it comes to tablets.

It can be easier to start with iOS as it is simpler and your results can reach a larger guidance quicker. Android can also be more expensive and longer to develop for. Working for both platforms will add a lot of work but give you generate understanding of each and allow for a huge audience. Successful apps such as popular gaming platform Lucky Nugget have their online casino available on both with no problems, enabling for all the benefits if you can manage to work on both you will be able to garner much more success.

Whatever your idea, whatever your app, these are the things you consider and if you think carefully and work hard, you could have a huge success.