Are you facing the same problem-WordPress 5.5 is Breaking Sites?

WordPress 5.5 has much more to offer. But as it is said, nothing is bug-free in this technological world. Some of us are facing problems ‘breaking sites’ with its latest version. Which is a serious matter of concern?

However, WordPress 5.5 is really easy to use, but ‘breaking sites’ errors can make you panic. In this article, we will discuss the main reason Why WordPress 5.5 is Breaking Sites after updating? And, how can we fix this problem?

Why WordPress 5.5 Breaking Sites After Updating the Latest Version?

1. WordPress 5.5 disapprove of support for jQuery Migrate.

One of the biggest reasons why thousands of WordPress website holders face this common problem is the disapproval support for jQuery Migrate. Because of this, themes are not able to handle the pagination as a result, after updating the site breaks.

If you are a regular user of WordPress, then you might know what is jQuery Migrate? If No, let me tell you about this.

jQuery Migrate is nothing but a JavaScript library. It allows you to preserve the older version of jQuery. In other words, it is a library acting as a bridge for older code to function on WordPress. So, in some cases, if you skip this library, you might have to face problems with your website.

You might be thinking now, Are there any JavaScript Errors in WordPress 5.5? Which is making your site break.

There are no JavaScript Errors in WordPress 5.5. The problem is not actually because of upgrading WordPress to the latest version. The bug comes in front of you when you haven’t updated your older themes and outdated plugin for a longer duration.

2. WordPress 5.5 Pagination Bug

Pagination is used to mention the navigational page numbers at the base of a multi-page report. It describes the navigational structure of a site. It permits website guests to discover site pages somewhere down on a webpage.

But the problem is that WordPress only allows numerical values to the word page. However, some themes accept alphanumeric values. So, it causes a clash in the value of ‘page.’ As a result, we find errors on our sites.

The best step to avoid this pagination, just change the variable in any custom code to some other name. Also, you can disable the redirect_canonical() function for these requests attached to the template_redirect action by default.”

How to Fix WordPress 5.5 Breaking Sites Issue Quickly

Herein, are some of the tricks that can help you to resolve the breaking of your site:

1. Downloads plugin is called ‘’Enable jQuery Migrate Helper”.

  • ’Enable jQuery Migrate Helper is the latest plugin of WordPress. This plugin is designed to restore the jQuery Migrate, JavaScript library.
  • In case, your Chrome developer console is showing JavaScript errors, plus your theme or a plugin is older, then installing this plugin will help you to fix such errors.

2. Update all your older plugin with the new and well-maintained plugin

  • Your website might get a break when you are using older versions of plugins. So make sure you check out all the plugins are updated.
  • However, the older plugins that are abandoned can become a security risk. To avoid such issues, it’s better to update plugins to new versions and experience better websites.


WordPress consistently offers a smooth stage to build up a site, blog, and considerably more. In any case, there can be where you may confront technical errors, yet it isn’t forever WordPress’ issue. They are attempting to give you better security and services by evacuating the old modules.

These issues identified with WP 5.5 have potentially influenced a vast number of disturbances. In any case, those issues are genuinely simple to fix once the reason is detected. I trust this blog has helped you in settling the breaking of the website with WordPress 5.5.