Coming back to work from a very long break can be annoying as well as a burden for all. Stiff bones and an attitude to kill time is normally the order of the day. Pressures to perform and complete the missed targets greet the employees on the other hand.
To top the already increased burden comes Canonical’s out of the box yet confusing announcement that have left many baffled. No one expected it to happen so soon though, just after the holiday break.
Yes, you have guessed it absolutely right. The announcement was about the launch of Ubuntu for phones, but not in the same package. It is quite different from the Ubuntu for Android that was in the pipeline and one of the most sought after news for almost a year now.
Highlights of Contents
Expected to be in the Pipeline
Linux GIRL (Generalized Information Retrieval Language) can also not stay away from being a part of this issue. The world had turned poignant for Linux bloggers the year round for such news and the excitement has just begun. It’s a great starting to the new year for users who had pinned hopes.
Wait, there’s more in store over the next 12 months. The expectations haven’t died. So let’s take a plunge in the near future and explore what can turn into reality.
Presence of a Greater OEM Acceptance
Google+ blogger Linux Rants has gone to the extent of expecting that his hopes and dreams would turn into a reality, which he had pent up for more than a decade. His expectations are specific over the idea that Linux should have a greater OEM acceptance with more brands coming up and promoting Linux-based computers.
The launch of Windows 8 has acted as a catalyst for Linux-based systems and FOSS community should take advantage of the available opportunities. Linux GIRL can do nothing but clap to that, indeed.
More Retail Shelf Space will do the Trick
According to blogger Robert Pogson, 2013 will see ARM and Linux making a huge foray in the desktop/notebook retail shelf space. He went ahead and added that not a single size form will remain unscathed. From Chromebooks to ultra thin ones, all will have the presence of Linux.
So what makes the difference and how does it plan to stand out?
Retail Shelf Space is the answer, my friends. It will open up to Linux and will bag everything under the sun, in its kitty. The trend had come into practice since 2011 and moved ahead with success stories under its belt in 2012.
Predicting the Windows Downfall
The prediction according to Pogson is that seeing ‘8’ not selling at any price, the space will get occupied with Linux on all kinds of gadgets. There is no other obvious choice. Further, he added that the OS from Microsoft might be left in the lurch in the highly competitive IT industry.
The association between Windows and Intel, Wintel, did not turn the fortune tables much and nothing much is expected from Windows 8 as well. So the only way to go, is down for the giant.
Giving expertise on the matter, consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack, had some more thoughts. He hoped that Valve would make games compatible for Linux and would increase the portability. This would ensure that other game makers will follow.
Use Linux and Experience the Change
Wishes to all GNU/Linux developers and users were ushered in from Google+ blogger Gonzalo Velasco C. He also wished that users of other OS’s would try out Linux and give it a chance to stand out and experience the change. This might compel them to accept Linux and find something better and more useful.
He further added that the big OEM hotshots would come up with amazing deals and proposals for GNU/ Linux and give it the due respect. Linux has been by far the most mature and complete OS for corporate and domestic users.
Commenting further he added that some kind of standardization would be better within the Linux community, with regards for fragmentation.
A valid advantage for the masses
Google had caused FOSS to come within easy reach, in the recent years and was made available to the masses. This had caused Linux to be a valid option for the general user. Hairyfeet, a Slashdot blogger, notices this fact and predicts that this might bring about a change in the gears for Linux.
‘Freedom’ is last sought
Google+ blogger Kevin O’Brien took the predictions to a totally higher level. He stated that over the last few years the main area of focus has been commercial success. A worse example of this is ‘open core’. Here, the factor of being open is present, but the controls will be with the community. He hoped that freedom from such malpractices will be sought.
All said and done, 2013 will seriously mark something better for Linux, if it goes by the predictions discussed above. Wait, for the year to take its own turn.